The purchase of a 23 percent holding by Chennai-based Ultratech Cement for Rs 1,889 crore was welcomed by The Street, which helped to drive the stock to a record high of Rs 11,875 a share on June 27. According to analysts, this transaction may...
The first increase in mobile pricing in 2.5 years was announced by Jio, the leading telecom provider in India, and it paved the way for further increases by Vodafone Idea and other providers. Additionally, the business has curtailed clients'...
By the time 2024 reached its halfway point, a dense mist had descended upon the world of M&A. The year started out with great expectations for a rebound in dealmaking activity, but a number of unanticipated difficulties cast doubt on the...
Over 2 million hours have been spent on Flipkart's video commerce products by Indian customers in the last year, according to the homegrown e-commerce platform, which said on Thursday that video is fast becoming a popular medium. India is...
According to John Murphy, global president and chief financial officer of the beverage company, Coca-Cola is "still a challenger brand in India" and is approaching this market with that perspective. Murphy made these remarks at a recent...
Amazon is apparently expanding its technology capabilities by launching a new chatbot project called Metis. This endeavor, positioned to compete with current models such as OpenAI's ChatGPT, is Amazon's deliberate entry into the booming AI...
As the modern woman is taking strides to steer her own future, it is important that each of us must se- cure our financial stability. Term insurance is a pure, affordable form of life in- surance, a life protector, and a backup system that gives...
The Voice Mode feature for ChatGPT has been delayed, according to OpenAI, who cited the necessity to resolve technical challenges and maintain a high level of quality. Released originally in late June, the business has now rescheduled the release...
After releasing Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, and Drive, Google is now bringing out a Gemini AI side panel for Gmail. The Gemini 1.5 Pro AI model will be used to ask questions, discover particular information from emails, and...
Private Lender Yes Bank has fired hundreds of staff as part of its restructuring efforts. Layoffs occurred across many sectors, including wholesale, retention, and branch banking. According to a report, Yes Bank has cut off at least 500...
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